A team of researchers passionate about pushing back the frontiers of scientific knowledge

The insect, thanks to its exceptional ability to recycle low-value agricultural by-products by concentrating their nutrients, is one of the solutions to guarantee a healthy and sustainable diet for all. Their use in animal and plant nutrition – although based on the principle of biomimicry, the insect being part of the natural diet of many animals in nature – constitutes a major innovation of the last ten years. Thus, it was not until 2017 that the European Commission authorized the insect protein in aquaculture feed.

To be able to deploy this solution on a large scale, everything had to be invented. The Innovafeed teams are therefore constantly working to push back the frontiers of scientific knowledge and develop pioneering vertical farms and products with proven performance.

And because together, we are going faster and further, Innovafeed has surrounded itself with the world’s leading experts, both academic (Nofima, ITAVI, Imaqua …) and industry leaders (Cargill, Skretting, Nealia …) to unlock in a few years the insect potential as one of the most promising pioneer agricultural sectors.

Controlled and optimized zootechnics

Since 2016, the Innovafeed teams have been studying the Hermetia Illucens fly to better understand its life cycle and reproduction. Thanks to this knowledge, the teams of engineers at Innovafeed are then able to reproduce as closely as possible the fly’s natural life cycle in its vertical farms.

Innovafeed has also developed a genetic selection program to select the best strains and gain a detailed understanding of the insect behavior.

A proprietary 100% vegetable substrate

Like any farmer, Innovafeed is constantly improving the diet of its insects to best meet their nutritional needs at each stage of their life cycle.

The substrate developed by Innovafeed for its French sites is the result of an ambitious research and development program over the past four years. It is made up of local agricultural co-products only and guaranteed GMO-free. It is therefore 100% vegetable and contains no additives.

But Innovafeed does not stop there and continues every day to evaluate other agricultural co-products in other geographies, in Europe, Asia or the United States in order to also be able to upcycle their by-products by setting up its next farms there.

Products with proven performance

Since 2016, Innovafeed has carried out more than thirty tests, both in research stations and in commercial conditions, to demonstrate the performance of its products for animal and plant nutrition.

Each time, Innovafeed has surrounded itself with the best experts, both academic and on-the-field, to combine their expertise and develop high-performance products that meet the challenges of professionals on a daily basis.

The performance of Innovafeed products is thus demonstrated on growth, health, welfare and finally on the quality of meats and fillets.

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