Our mission is to contribute to the emergence of sustainable food systems by developing a pioneering and innovative industry. As innovators, we believe that disruptive technology can bring about powerful solutions to society’s most dire challenges. As we seek a more respectful way of living on our planet, nature itself has much to offer and teach us.
At Innovafeed, we are committed to developing a technology platform that reproduces nature’s processes on a larger scale by harnessing the role of insects as nature’s perfect upcycler. By placing the insect back into their position within the food system, we believe we can contribute to building a circular, sustainable, and zero-waste agri-food chain.
In order to maximize our impact, we believe scale is a prerequisite for competitiveness and competitiveness is a prerequisite for impact. This north star is a fundamental strategy needed to prepare for the decades ahead to feed a global population projected to exceed 10 billion by 2050.
In the face of the looming challenge to feed a global population expected to reach more than 10 billion by 2050, one of the key challenges is to produce better food and to produce it more responsibly. At Innovafeed, we have committed ourselves to help reshape the landscape of food production.
As an impact-driven company, we wish to deliver positive impact on different scopes, with a relentless focus on sustainability:
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