Hilucia Frass, an insect-derived fertilizer reinventing soil and plant nutrition

Our soils are one of our most precious yet underestimated resources. We rely on them:

  • For food and water: United Nations estimate that 95% of our food stems from them;
  • To preserve our ecosystems: GIS Sol estimates that 1/4 of world’s biodiversity resides within our soils;
  • To fight against climate change: GIEC estimates that 1,500 billion tons of organic carbon are stored into our soils, i.e. 2 to 3 times more than in the atmosphere.

Preserving them while ensuring sufficient productivity to feed the growing world population is a challenge we need to tackle. Organic fertilizers such as frass* – insect droppings – can be part of the solution, boosting both crop agronomic performance and soil biological activities.

An innovative, natural and sustainable (low-carbon) organic fertilizer

Innovafeed has developed the “HiluciaTM Frass for plants” fertilizer for use on conventional and organic crops. Innovafeed’s fertilizer is a by-product of its insect farm that:

  • Is mostly based on insect droppings from Hermetia illucens (black soldier fly) fed with a 100% vegetable and guaranteed GMO-free substrate;
  • Shows a well-balanced nutrient profile (NPK of 3-4-3), making it suitable for all crops (vineyards,  orchards, vegetables, row crops);
  • Has a high dry matter content (90%) and is rich in organic matter (>75%);
  • Exhibits a low environmental impact compared to other organic fertilizers on the market (-45% lower CO2eq emissions than dried poultry manure, LCA Quantis 2023).

Our insect frass is authorized for use in organic farming, in compliance with EU 2018/848 regulation, and is granted registrations by national authorities (French registration n°6230468).

Proven agronomic performance

Since 2016, Innovafeed has partnered with leading experts, including Hello Nature and Tereos, to develop the highest performing insect-based fertilizer, demonstrating its efficiency both at the laboratory and field scales.

Trials have shown yields more than 10-20% higher than controls, whether in vineyards, on wheat or beet crops, or on vegetables such as lettuce.

The ability to regenerate soils

HiluciaTM Frass contains more than 75% organic matter that contributes to regenerate soils and increase fertility on the long run.

When added to the soil, high concentration in organic matter is known to:

  • Enhance the progressive release and uptake of nutrients,
  • Stimulate natural processes and soil microbiome activities,
  • Improve soil structure and water retention to reduce nutrient leaching.

HiluciaTM Frass is therefore the ideal solution to support the agroecological transition towards more sustainable and environmentally-friendly crop fertilization and soil amendment practices.

* ‘Frass’ means a mixture of excrements derived from farmed insects, the feeding substrate, parts of farmed insects, dead eggs […] (regulation (EU) 2021/1925).

Other markets for our Hilucia™ products

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