Insects are a natural, sustainable and high-performance source of protein, boosting fish and shrimp growth and maintaining them in good health

More people than ever rely on aquaculture and fisheries for food and as a source of income according to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). As a result, aquaculture is the fastest growing agribusiness in the world. But to support this growth, securing quality and sustainable feed sources is key. Traditional protein sources for aquafeed are insufficient:

  • Fish stocks are currently exploited at their maximum (90-100%) and fish meal production will reach a stable production;
  • Plant proteins are a good alternative but can impact performance and quality if included in high proportions.

At this pace, the FAO predicts a deficit in quality protein up to 30 to 40 MT for aquaculture by 2030. Insects are a natural and sustainable source of high-quality protein for aquaculture. Over the last few years, insects have also demonstrated their performance in fish farms thereby cementing their role in enabling aquaculture to fulfill its potential and feed tomorrow’s world.

A natural, sustainable, and performant source of proteins

Hilucia™ for Aqua ingredients deliver a unique set of nutrients for fish and shrimps. They are:

  • Performant – demonstrated in both a research and commercial settings;
  • Sustainable – a low carbon footprint and a positive impact on biodiversity measured in our LCA;
  • Natural – in the wild, up to 70% of the trout’s natural diet consists in insects.

Since 2016, Innovafeed has heavily invested to demonstrate and understand the performance of its products on fish and shrimp diets. To adapt perfectly to each species nutritional needs, Innovafeed has developed distinct products thereby ensuring the best performance of its feed ingredients : Hilucia™ Protein for Salmonids, Hilucia™ Protein for Shrimp and Hilucia™ Oil for Aqua.

Hilucia™ Protein for Salmonids

  • Zootechnical performance equivalent to premium fishmeal thanks to similar amino acids profile.
  • Upgraded organoleptic performance with improved fish color and texture and reduced concentration of pollutants in filets.

Hilucia™ Protein for Shrimps

  • Improved growth with significant improvements in FCR (Feed conversion rate) and SGR (specific growth rate) due to high protein content and high digestibility.
  • Shrimp whose diet includes Hilucia™ Protein for Shrimps demonstrate an increased resistance to the pathogens responsible for WSSV and AHPNS.

Hilucia™ Oil for Aqua

  • A high-quality source of fatty acids and energy for fish and a sustainable alternative to the fish oils used in the formulation of feed for aquaculture.

They work with us

It is very important to team up with suppliers than can bring us together into more sustainable business. Sustainable growth needs sustainable raw materials and insect meal is definitely one.

Harald Sveier

R&D Director, Lerøy



December 2018: launch of the 1st trout under the label “Vive l’insecte”

In 2018, Innovafeed brought together an entire value chain to offer French consumers the first trout under the label “Vive l’insecte”.

Innovafeed, fish farmer Truite Service, retailer Auchan, label Mister GoodFish and feed formulator Skretting combined their expertises to enable the success of this pioneering initiative.

  • 50% of the fishmeal present in the trout feed were replaced by Innovafeed’s insect proteins:
  • “fed with insect proteins” trouts started to be available on the stalls of 50+ stores in the North of France:
  • 200+ fishmongers at Auchan were trained, a specific “insect-fed” label.

 Spurred by the success of the project, the Team decided to go even further and launched the “sustainable trout” in February 2020:

  • 50% of fishmeal replaced by insect proteins
  • Part of fish oil replaced by micro-algae oil to boost Omega 3 content in fillets
  • Remaining of fishmeal and fish oil extracted from trimmings ensuring the trout has no impact on marine resources.

Other markets for our Hilucia™ products